The sad reason why building company Australis Constructions went bust despite projects in Queensland, NSW and the Northern Territory

A construction company led by a director who spruiked his plumbing expertise is being liquidated because it failed to obtain the right licence.

Australis Constructions, a family-owned home and industrial building business based on Queensland‘s Sunshine Coast, was placed into liquidation on Monday after six years in business.

Scott Jury, 38, who finished up as the parent company’s director in April, had promoted his plumbing expertise on LinkedIn.

‘I’m a highly experienced and qualified plumber and roofing contractor, with extensive experience in all areas of home and commercial roof repairs, new steel roofing, disaster relief and insurance roofing services,’ he said.

However the Queensland Building and Construction Commission, which handles building contractor licences, said Australis Constructions did not have anyone with the requisite plumbing and drainage licence.

‘The licensee is prohibited from carrying out building work in the Plumbing and…

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