Melbourne company Fastline International collapses days before Christmas

A melbourne logistics company has collapsed just days before Christmas, reportedly telling its 120 workers it cannot afford to pay them for the past week as it goes into receivership.

Fastline International, which is based at Derrimut in Melbourne’s western suburbs, told staff on Thursday that they had lost their jobs and should not come in to work today, according to Jenny Kruschel, the national secretary of the CFMEU’s textile, clothing and footwear section.

The move has stunned workers, who the union says are owed “millions” in entitlements, including annual and long service leave, superannuation and unpaid wages.

“They were told that basically they’re not to come to work … they’d lost their job and there was no money to pay them, and the company’s gone into liquidation,” Ms Kruschel said.

“It’s really hard on these workers because they’re just about to stop for Christmas for a couple of days,” she said.

“They’ve lost their job, they’re worried about how they’re…

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