Construction problems build | Wyndham

Cade Lucas

The possible liquidation of construction company Apex Homes could leave a Point Cook demolition business more than $20,000 out of pocket.

melbourne Wide Demolition was last year hired by Apex to clear a property in Geelong ahead of construction of a new home beginning on the site.

After completing the demolition work, the company submitted an invoice to Apex Homes for $21,450 to be paid by mid January.

After the payment deadline was missed and repeated attempts to contact the company failed, Melbourne Wide Demolition director Moira Linton said news of a winding up order being taken out against Apex made her realise the money may never arrive.

“Just gutted actually,” said Ms Linton of her reaction to the news which she came across while doing a Google search.

Concreting company Aerolink Pty Ltd, trading as Midway, has lodged an application to have Apex Homes wound up over unpaid debts of more than $46,000.

The application was lodged on January 29, but only made public on February 15.

The application will be heard in the Victorian Supreme Court on Thursday, with speculation at least three other creditors may join the action.

Apex Homes has signalled it will fight liquidation.

Apex director Bruno…

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