20+ Aussie craft breweries have fallen victim to craft beer’s economic crisis over past 12 months

This week, melbourne’s Burnley Brewing has announced that it has entered into liquidation, marking a continuation of a now well-established trend that has seen more than 20 breweries enter into either voluntary administration or liquidation over the past year alone. 

According to an update published to ASIC, “notice is given that at a general meeting of the members of the Company held on 09 September 2024, it was resolved that the Company be wound up and that Con Kokkinos be appointed liquidator(s).”

Shortly prior to this on 3 September and 5 August respectively, Prancing Pony Brewery Apollo Bay Brewery both revealed that they had appointed restructuring practitioners to improve the economic viabilities of the companies. The Burnley, Prancing Pony, and Apollo Bay news follows on from Margaret River’s Black Brewery Co and Brew Barons (trading as Parched West End) permanently shutting their doors in July.

In a statement issued to social media, Burnley Brewing said that the decision to wind up its taproom operations, originally announced last month, has been made due to circumstances beyond the breweries control.

“We are feeling for staff across our production, sales and hospitality teams who put so much…

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